b'Symptoms of the VirusWhat Are The SymptomsWith an understanding of how the virus spreads, it is important for us all to understand the symptoms associated with the virus.This is vital so that we can each self-evaluate our own health and those of our family.This alone will help tremendously in limiting the potential for exposing others to sickness, even if it turns out that you do not have the virus. Understanding the symptoms is also important so that potential for having the virus can be spotted and also not wrongfully diagnosed by someone because they saw someone sneeze once.Please note that COVID-19 affects different people in different ways.Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.Below are the symptoms associated with someone having the virus.Most common symptoms: Less common symptoms: Serious symptoms:fever dryaches and pains difficulty breathing or shortness of coughsore throat breathtiredness diarrhea chest pain or pressureconjunctivitis headache loss of speech or movement New loss of taste or smell confusiona rash on skin Inability to wake or stay awakediscolouration of fingers orBluish lips or facetoes ***Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms***What To Do If You Show SymptomsIf you or a family member start experiencing the symptoms above, we would recommend that you call your doctor or health facility to seek guidance on what to do. People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy are most often told to manage their symptoms at home. Due to this being the case, we ask that if someone in your home is suspected of having contracted the virus that you do not attend classes until your family member is well. On average it takes 56 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.As will be mentioned in the How We Limit The Spread Section of this Handbook, our staff will be monitoring everyone (staff, parents and children) who enter the facility.We will proactively seek to limit the spread by not permitting those who show symptoms from entering the facility and we will maintain vigilance during our classes and practices until close.'